Le consortium du projet Share2Act
est composé de 4 organisations. Il est dirigé par le Réseau ibéro-américain des ONG travaillant dans le domaine des drogues et des addictions (RIOD), et des réseaux tels que la FEDITO BXL (Belgique), Correlation (Pays-Bas) et la Fédération andalouse ENLACE (Espagne).
Le consortium a la capacité de plaider et d’influencer politiquement les institutions publiques qui développent des politiques en matière de drogues et d’autres politiques orientées vers le contrôle et la réduction des dépendances, et d’autre part, d’atteindre un grand nombre d’organisations à la fois dans leurs propres pays et régions, qui travaillent directement avec la population bénéficiaire finale (usagers de drogues et personnes souffrant d’addictions) et au niveau européen et international (principalement en Amérique latine, en Asie et au Moyen-Orient).
Le consortium du projet Share2Act
Le consortium du projet Share2Act est composé de 4 organisations

Le réseau ibéro-américain d’ONG travaillant dans le domaine des drogues et des addictions (RIOD) est un réseau de 35 organisations à but non lucratif d’Espagne et d’Amérique latine, parmi 3 plateformes (FONGA, FLACT et UNAD), impliquant ainsi près de 1 000 entités de toute l’Amérique latine et d’Espagne travaillant dans le domaine des drogues et autres addictions, dans la prévention, les soins, l’inclusion sociale, la recherche et la sensibilisation.
Notre mission est de servir d’espace pour le renforcement des capacités et des organisations sociales en Amérique latine et en Espagne, ainsi que de plaider et de sensibiliser à l’importance de mener une intervention auprès des consommateurs de drogues basée sur le plein respect des droits de l’homme, en utilisant une approche bio-psychosociale et des pratiques fondées sur des preuves.
Les principaux objectifs de RIOD sont les suivants :
- Créer un espace de rencontre et d’échange d’expériences et de connaissances ;
- Promouvoir des actions de plaidoyer politique, à tous les niveaux (international, régional, national et local) ;
- Promouvoir des projets d’intervention sur les drogues et autres dépendances ;
- Promouvoir des études sociales et des actions de recherche, de conseil, de consultation et de formation ; et
- Faciliter les projets de coopération au développement entre nos organisations associées.
Notre vision est d’être un réseau consolidé qui plaide pour la construction de politiques drogues basées sur le plein respect des droits de l’homme et avec la capacité de dialogue avec les états et les organisations internationales, pour répondre aux besoins et aux réalités qui découlent de la diversité des peuples de l’Ibéro-Amérique.

Foundation The Rainbow Group (RG) is an Amsterdam-based NGO committed to people with social problems, such as homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse and psychiatric disorders. The organisation provides low-threshold health and social services, such as day centres and night shelters, psychosocial support, drug consumption rooms and needle exchange programmes. Furthermore, FRG provides social support through buddy projects. The main aim of RG is to prevent isolation and stimulate participation of marginalised groups in society.
RG employs more than 150 professionals and works with 700 volunteers and is one of the most prominent Harm Reduction organisations in Amsterdam.
Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network is the international department of FRG. C-EHRN is a civil society network and centre of expertise in the field of drug use, harm reduction and social inclusion in which practice, research and policy come together. C-EHRN activities connect 196 members 2.200 contacts, including harm reduction services, grassroots organizations, community-based services, research institutes, and health facilities from all over Europe.
In 2004, Correlation Network was established and since them has been actively involved in cooperation projects all over Europe. As a network, C-EHRN collaborates with partners and policy makers on local, national and European levels. Also, C-EHRN has established partnerships with institutions and other networks such as the EMCDDA, the ECDC, EuroNPUD, EHRA, FEANTSA, ICRSE, among others. In recent years, their thematic focus lies on Overdose Prevention, Hepatitis C & Drug Use, New Drugs & New Patterns of Consumption and Monitoring. Further, it develops projects that ensure an integrated approach to Harm Reduction, including the intersections of drug use with other marginalized communities, and social (re)integration.
Next to this, C-EHRN coordinates the International Network of Drug Consumption Rooms, is member of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs of the European Commission, coordinates the Hepatitis C initiative, is member of the EU Health Policy Platform Thematic Network ‘Nobody Left Outside’ and is involved in different advisory boards (Integrate Joint Action, Achieve Coalition, ETW Steering Committee,…) FRG is involved in and coordinating European projects since 1997.

ENLACE is a non-profit federation that works in Andalusia, focusing on the fields of drug addiction, social exclusion and criminal justice. Enlace was founded in 1991 and has a long experience in drug policies: prevention, treatment, social inclusion, harm reduction, designating and implementing intervention and training programs for more than 25 years.
ENLACE’s experience is both national and European.
National experience: is a key player in the implementation of social policies in southern Spain, working in a closed relationship with the Spanish administration. Since the year 2000, ENLACE has been coordinating a legal counselling program for people with drug addictions in Andalusia including prisoners.
The program has helped more than 20,000 people by promoting their reintegration and reducing recidivism – European Experience: ENLACE is a member of the Forum on Civil Society in the European Commission on drugs; being an important partner of EU drug policies and promoting an alternative use of imprisonment.
ENLACE has a team of lawyers, mediators and psychologists with exceptional knowledge of reintegration of drug addicts, and with a strong commitment to social justice. This team holds periodically training courses for social workers, social educators, lawyers and other people involved in the social reintegration process of prisoners.

The Brussels Federation of Institutions for Drug Addictions (FEDITO BXL) federates 29 institutions related to the topic of psychoactive substance consumption and/or addictions. These institutions provide a wide range of services, from prevention and raising awareness, to harm reduction, to providing care and support in crisis centers. Based on our Statutes, FEDITO-BXL objectives are:
- To impart and recognize the need and the existence of specific structures of prevention, assistance, care and harm reduction for drug users and those affected by addictions;
- To be a privileged interlocutor of public authorities and media in the development of health policy and research scientist in the field of drug addiction;
- To ensure the coordination and the dialogue of the member services and also with other actors concerned by the “phenomenon” drugs;
- To ensure the members of the terms of recognition and subsidization guaranteeing their good performance and allowing them the immediate support for all addict applicants regardless of their economic situation.
FEDITO BXL collects and supports institutes and services who, with a willingness to share their ideas and experiences, want to promote the psychological, medical and social approach, on a preventive as well as a healing level, of parts of the issues surrounding addiction.
The work of the teams is characterized by:
- Refusing the limit addiction solely to the symptomatic expressions.
- Considering the person in its entirety, on a physical, mental, familial, cultural and social level, with respect for his frame of life.
- This work looks at the person as a subject of his approach and promotes the expression of his needs, his demands, his autonomy.
- This work recognizes and is aimed at the means of society, it relies on other services, it divides the responsibility en the competencies between partners. It is part of a network and strives to bring professionals in contact with each other. It wants to recognize the importance of the social structure and it wants to prevent splintering by having multidisciplinary work that takes into account the unity of the subject.
- This work holds no grip over the life of the persons involved and guarantees a personal life.
- This work necessitates the training of actors (doctors, psychologists, social assistants, nursing staff, educators, etc.) in the form of supervision, working groups, conferences, etc.
From its ethical framework, FEDITO respects:
- The plethora of theoretical and therapeutic approaches.
- The plethora of political, religious, philosophical, syndical and from university originated convictions.